GetResponse Review



GeResponse Review

We get asked about our personal recommendation on what autoresponder company we use. We use and recommend GetResponse as the autoresponder company we use for managing our lists. We get asked why we use and recommend GetResponse so we have provided some of our reasons below. We hope this information is useful to you.

1. Why We Use And Recommend GetResponse?

We have used GetResponse for many years and recommend it to our customers as the choice autoresponder. There are many other autoresponders on the market and we have tried many of them over the years. In the end, we found GetReponse to be the best autoresponder for our needs. There are many factors that make GetResponse our choice including great customer support, no downtime, but the actual user interface that GetResponse provides along with the optin forms are outstanding. The user interface is graphically appealing and easy to use and simple to understand. When you are really busy and you need to maintain your list, create optin forms, etc., you want a user interface that is easy to follow and allows for quick management. This was really one of the differences that made GetResponse our choice.

2. GetResponse Tour Video

You can get an idea of what GetResponse has to offer with the GetResponse Tour Video.

3. Have We Tried Other Autoresponder Companies?

We have tried numerous other autoresponder companies including Aweber and others. We have had the best experience with GetResponse as it has provided a robus interface and response system.

4. Types of Accounts GetResponse Offers?

GetResponse offers several different types of autoresponder accounts as we have listed below.

1,000 – Subscribers
$15.00 Per Month
$12.30 with annual discount

2,500 – Subscribers
– $25.00 Per Month
$20.50 with annual discount

10,000 – Subscribers
– $65.00 Per Month
$53.30 with annual discount

5. Which Type Of Hosting Account Should I Use?

This really depends on the size of your current mailing list or the mailing list you want to develop. Generally, if you are just starting out, we recommend signing up for the 1,000 Subscriber package so you can start paying a lower fee and focus on growing your list. Once you start to grow your list, then you always have the option of upgrading your account to the 2,500 or 10,000 Subscriber accounts.

If you have an existing list, then you can select the 2,500 or 10,000 Subscriber accounts that will allow you room to grow. When your list grows beyond the 10,000 Subscriber limit, then you can contact your GetResponse sales representative to work out pricing on an enterprise account. They will work with you on the size of your account that will fit your needs.

6. How Does GetResponse Compare To Other AutoResponser Companies?

We have used several major autoresponder companies and ended up using GetResponse. There are pricing differences between the autoresponder companies with the amount of subscribers, etc. The real difference we have found is the actual user interface that GetResponse provides along with the optin forms. It is graphically appealing but much easier to use and simple to understand. When you are really busy and you need to maintain your list, create optin forms, etc., you want a user interface that is easy to follow and allows for quick management. This was really the difference that made GetResponse our choice.

7. How Do I Signup For An Account?

You can signup for a GetResponse account by clicking here. Select your account, make your payment, and get started setting up your optin list and forms. You can find out how to do setup and manage your GetResponse account with our GetResponse Cheat Sheet.